
How To Zoom With Mate 9 Camera

The Mate 9 features overall excellent image quality in a wide variety of weather condition. Image lovers will appreciate its preservation of fine details, and its generally accurate white residue. Those looking to capture action scenes will appreciate its accurate autofocus. Some inconsistent exposures and ghosting, nevertheless, are part of what go on the Mate ix from rating even higher.

Both the colour and monochrome sensors that make upwards the primary camera are 20MP Sony sensors, coupled with f/2.2-aperture, 27mm focal-length-equivalent lenses. One sensor is a traditional color sensor, capturing red, green, and blue (RGB). The other is monochrome, capturing a grayscale image without any intervening color filter array. The Mate 9 supports both JPEG and RAW epitome capture also as 1080p and 720p video.

Outdoor photos

For the most role, the Mate nine does an impressive job of capturing outdoor scenes. In many cases, the two-sensor combination produced levels of item you lot'd expect to notice on a camera with a larger sensor. Images taken outdoors in adept light accept authentic exposure and excellent particular. In poor light, the Mate ix is decumbent to slight underexposure and loss of detail in shadow areas compared to top-rated phones.

Outdoor photos

Exposure is spot-on in this image, and good particular is visible throughout the mid-tones

Depression-light and indoor scenes

The Mate ix's second sensor is ideal for helping information technology capture depression-low-cal scenes with low noise. That makes it an excellent choice for capturing the moment when shooting indoors and flash isn't practical. There are some tradeoffs, though, as reliance on the monochrome sensor in depression light can detract from the quality of colour rendering.

Low-light and indoor scenes

The Mate 9 does a skillful job of preserving detail fifty-fifty in low lite, as shown in this dark street scene

Flash photos

In full general, the Mate 9 does a good job with photos requiring flash – specially if in that location is as well some ambient light to help. Exposures are practiced with or without ambient low-cal, but wink photos taken without other calorie-free sources often bear witness a slight light-green cast.


The Mate 9 does a solid job of recording video in most situations, especially where there is plenty light. Its autofocus is fast and reliable, although its stabilization is not as strong. Colors and white balance are as well accurate. Indoors, and in low light, videos can show motion artifacts as well equally increased noise and a loss of dissimilarity.

Tech note: The Huawei Mate 9's dual-photographic camera system

As with the one in its P9 model, the primary camera in the Huawei Mate ix is fabricated up of a traditional colour sensor paired with a monochrome sensor. Because the monochrome sensor doesn't take whatsoever colored filters in front of it to reduce the light it receives, it tin capture more photons in the same amount of time. This results in reduced noise in depression-light conditions, and no filters also gives it an advantage when information technology comes to resolving fine details. To make apply of those features, the Mate 9's firmware needs to accurately align and effectively combine the images from the 2 sensors. When done correctly, information technology results in a full-color paradigm — one with reduced noise, enhanced detail, and greater dynamic range.

Details: Explaining the score

Photo (87)

Exposure and Contrast (88)

In most situations exposure is accurate, although in that location are tendencies toward underexposure and inconsistent exposure in cloudy atmospheric condition. When this happens, there is likewise a loss of detail in the darker areas of images.

Exposure and Contrast (88)

In cloudy conditions, exposures were inconsistent, and images were frequently underexposed

Exposure and Contrast (88)

In improver to the slight underexposure, the Mate 9 paradigm shows far less detail in the dark leaves when compared with the peak-rated Google Pixel

Exposure and Contrast (88)

While exposure is skillful in low light, at that place is some slight calorie-free falloff in the corners of images

Color (84)

The Mate 9's colour rendering is profoundly improved over the P9, and is at present competitive with other proficient phones on the market. In item, white balance is quite adept – although not ever consequent from shot to shot. There is some color shading in low lite, besides as a slight pinkish cast visible in images taken under incandescent lights.

Color (84)

Colour shading is when the same color has a dissimilar advent in different parts of the image. Here you can see that the colour of the cloth is not the same towards the edge of the image

Autofocus (90)

The Mate nine's Autofocus is superb in good light. In depression lite, it proved to be accurate, but slow. Also in low light, the preview sometimes wouldn't stabilize.

Autofocus (90)

The Mate 9'southward AF response was most at the level of the superlative-rated Google Pixel

Details (91)

Dissonance (88)

The second camera on the Mate 9 helps it accomplish an excellent Detail score, even in low-light weather. Similarly, its excellent Noise score tin can also be partially attributed to the additional sensor. However, the need to combine the two images may likewise partially explicate why the camera is susceptible to some high-frequency luminance dissonance in low calorie-free.

Details (91)</h3>  <h3>Noise (88)

When nosotros zoom in on the portraits on our indoor target, noise is clearly visible in the strands of hair

Artifacts (81)

This is one of the most inconsistent areas for the Mate 9. Nosotros noticed a diversity of artifacts that would occur in specific cases, only we were unable to go a good sense of what circumstances caused them. In some scenes, ghosts were visible on moving objects, while others showed desaturation in large colored areas.

Artifacts (81)

Ghosting, which looks as if multiple frames have been incorrectly combined to form one paradigm, occurred in some low-lite scenes in which the subject was moving

Artifacts (81)

We also noticed that some scenes in dim or low light had areas that were very desaturated, such as in this outdoor image – peculiarly when compared to the same scene captured with the Google Pixel

Flash (81)

Wink exposures are quite good, and colors are good when flash is combined with ambience light. However, in wink-only scenes, the Mate 9's images often show a slight green cast:

Flash (81)

Hither you tin run across that both the Pixel and the Mate ix exercise a good job of exposure, but the Mate ix has a slight cast

Video (82)

Video (82)

Strong scores in Exposure, Colour, and Texture

Video exposure was quite good, and the Mate 9 has fantabulous detail preservation in bright light. Color reproduction was besides very good, as was white rest. Video autofocus was fast and repeatable.

Strong scores in Exposure, Color, and Texture

Here yous tin see the excellent video particular preservation in bright lighting conditions

Weaknesses in video

Stabilization is relatively weak, with jello effects visible when walking. Noise and some color shading are also visible in depression calorie-free, along with some loss of fine detail.

Summary: An excellent camera in a value-priced large-screen phone

While the Mate 9's photographic camera doesn't quite match the very best on the market, it is impressively close, and a major step upward from the company's previous efforts. It is a great all-around performer, although purists may exist bothered past some of its inconsistencies from shot to shot.


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