
How To Start An Instagram Mom Blog

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Start A Mom Blog For Beginners

How To Start A Mom Blog With No Experience

Want to know how to start a mom blog so you can stay at home with the kids and still provide for your family?

Every blog can be a business, and every business needs a blog, and starting a mom blog is the perfect business for stay-at-home moms, or any moms, really!

A mom blog is one of the best online businesses for moms to start.

Start A Mom Blog

Why Start A Mom Blog?

Becoming a mommy blogger can be very rewarding.

A mom blog is a great way to unleash your creativity, stay home with the kids, and make a great living online.

I started my first blog back in the early 2000s, and I made money through advertising, got the latest and greatest products, sponsored posts, and more.

I found that blogging was so fun, and I could write when my oldest daughter was sleeping.

When you start a mom blog, you can make your own hours and choose a topic that you are passionate about. Two great selling points to start a mom blog.

Start a Mommy Blog Daughter looking at mother on iPad

Choose Your Niche

If you are going to be a mom blogger, you will need a good niche. A good niche will appeal to your ideal reader.

What's a niche? A niche is your spot in the market.

First on the list when learning how to start a mom blog, you're gonna need a niche.

Before you start your mom blog, figure out your niche. Some niches are more profitable than others, so it's important to choose the right one.

Some niches are super easy to stay niche, while others are kind of vague. Your niche has to be something that you are passionate about. Otherwise, you will get bored writing about it.

What can you talk about for 45 minutes without any preparation? Something that really lights you up when you talk about it.

Blogging is great for a new mom, a busy mom, or any mom wanting to blog about mom life.

As a mom, there are so many niches to choose from when you want to start a successful mom blog.

  • Newborns and everything that goes along with that
  • Toddlers – anything from toilet training to picky eaters
  • Teens & Tweens – there are plenty of niche topics here
  • Homeschooling – this subject has never-ending material
  • Parenting Advice for just about any topic
  • Traveling As Family
  • Parenting blog
  • A lifestyle blog about motherhood
  • Working mom blog
  • Mom life
  • Tips for busy moms
  • Tips for new moms
  • You can blog about anything that you are passionate about that will help a lot of moms.
Mom Blogger with daughter sitting at laptop

Niche Down

Once you have chosen your niche, niche-down even further. Think about your niche like this; you have a topic for your blog – Mom blog, then you need a niche such as teens, then niche that even further into something like teaching teens to be safe when driving.

The more you can tighten the niche at first, the easier it is to start a mom blog for beginners. If you have a broad topic, more people will be looking for that topic, but the competition will be much higher.

When you have a niched-down mom blog, it's easier to find readers for your blog looking for those niched topics.

Choose Your Mommy Blog Name

When learning how to start a mommy blog, I cannot stress the importance of picking one of those great mom blog names. Of course, you can always change the name of your blog in the future, but it's a major pain.

The best way to avoid the hassle of changing your blog name is to name it correctly in the first place.

What Not To Do When Choosing Your Mommy Blog's Name:

  • Don't use numbers – don't use any numbers in your blog name, it's confusing don't use a numeral or a written number like 8 or eight. When people type in your domain name they won't know which to use.
  • Don't use cute spellings – it might have meaning to you, but somebody else may not know that you spell your dog's name "Rawsko" instead of "Roscoe" (my dog's name is Rawsko but he doesn't have a blog so it's all good ;).
  • Don't use something that has nothing to do with your blog topic – people will come to your blog looking for something that your name has to do with and leave disappointed when it doesn't.

How do I know those mistakes are big? Because I made them. You live, you learn.

I know how to start a mom blog from trial and error. You can learn from my mistakes and skip right to doing things correctly the first time.

Choose A Hosting Service

A mom blog is a perfect online business for moms, especially with a great hosting provider like SiteGround.

Why SiteGround? SiteGround is so simple to use, and customer support is second to none. I am always recommending SiteGround not just for blogs but for every online business.

SiteGround has a simple one-click installation for WordPress & Woo Commerce (woo commerce is perfect for your own online mommy shop).

I had one of my websites held "hostage" by a shady hosting provider. Of course, it really wasn't being held, but they made me believe it was and wanted to charge me an exorbitant amount of money to get it back.

SiteGround saved me. They helped me fix the problem for free, and I will be forever grateful to them for that.

I am not a website developer, I don't know how to code, but with SiteGround, you can easily start a mom blog as a beginner, no coding necessary.

Siteground has a tutorial for everything, so you can start a mom blog if you can watch a video.

You can buy your domain name with SiteGround and have your domain name and web hosting in one place.

WordPress For Mom Bloggers

WordPress is the blogging platform for a successful blog. I know there are many others out there, but WordPress makes up 40% of all websites.

WordPress makes up such a large part of websites because it's the best blogging platform available. Most professional bloggers have a WordPress blog. The numbers don't lie.

WordPress is free, but you need to pay for a hosting provider like SiteGround. SiteGround is inexpensive, with a hosting plan for all your needs. Whatever you need, Siteground has got you covered.

It's totally worth it to use a paid hosting provider for mom blog because the cost is minimal compared to what you can earn from your blog by having the functionality of

Your Own Domain

When you learn how to start a mom blog, the most important thing is to own your own domain. When you own your own domain, it's like this one, not or anything like that. You can own your domain name and then point it to a Blogspot blog, but Blogspot does not have the functionality of WordPress.

If you want to blog to make money, use WordPress but here's the catch, there are two different types of WordPress sites.

You can own your own domain with WordPress, but it needs to be a site and not

When you have a site, you have complete control and so much functionality to start a mom blog as a business. also has instead of You have that extra text in your URL. Sure, you can point your domain around that (that's a whole other topic), but in the end, you won't have the functionality of WordPress.

Choose Your WordPress Theme

After you install WordPress, you will choose a theme. Your theme is the look and function of your blog.

Find a theme that has the look and functionality of how you want your blog to work, and start creating your new blog.

I like Astra; it's a nice blog theme that does everything I need it to do. It's a popular theme for mom blogging.

Start A Mom Blog Mom at computer starting an email list

Start An Email List

It's never too early to start an email list, and your list is what turns a blog into the best online business for moms.

An Email List Accomplishes:

  • Letting your readers know when you have published new content
  • A group of warm leads who you can sell your products and affiliate products to
  • A place to give extra value to your readers, turning them into fans and super fans

Even if you are a beginner blogger, you still need an email list. The money is in the list, and your email list is gold.

The best email list provider is ConvertKit. I'm always singing ConvertKit's praises. You can even sign up for FREE for your first 1000 subscribers.

The paid version is amazing too! ConvertKit integrates perfectly with WordPress.

Once you start that email list, it's important to nurture the list. Write to them every single week and never break their trust. It's a big deal for someone to give you their email list, so write to them like they are your friends. Keep a good give and take relationship, never one that is one-sided.

Give them valuable tips, and write from your heart, because these are other moms who need exactly what you can give them.

Start Writing Blog Posts

When you start a mom blog, you will need mom blog posts!

Before you publish your blog, it's an excellent idea to have some posts written so that they have something to read when people come to your blog.

How many posts do you need? As many as you can! The more blog posts that you have, the more traffic you can drive to your website.

My favorite tools to help you start writing blog posts are:

  • Gramm – Grammarly can proofread your posts, you still have to do the work, but Grammarly is a huge help to have a consistent writing style and fix most errors
  • RankMath – Writing great blog posts is important, but if you don't utilize SEO (search engine optimization) your posts will never be found, RankMath has an amazing free version that can show you how to write perfectly optimized blog posts
  • Blogger's Workbook Bundle – This is my favorite product, you get the Blog Content Outline that helps you write perfectly optimized blog posts so that your posts make you money, The Lead Magnet Formula is an instructional workbook and workbook template to help you create the perfect lead magnet workbook to build your email list, and the Unleash Your Niche & Find Your Inner Blog Workbook so that you can find that perfect for you blog niche.

Decide On A Blog Posting Schedule

How often do you want to blog? Once a week? Once a month? Twice a week? The amount of times you post is up to you. How often can you post without burning out?

The more you post, the faster your blog will take off, but you will need to choose a schedule that you can stick to. If you start out posting three times a week, you may burn out, especially if you take care of the kids, work another job, and start your mom blog. So be kind to yourself and get some posts up ahead of time.

Then choose how often you would like to post and schedule those posts ahead of time so that if something comes up and you don't get a chance to work on a blog post, you will still be ahead and have your weekly or bi-weekly or whatever blog post ready to go.

Start A Mom Blog Mommy at laptop creating a blog content strategy.

Create A Content Strategy

Brainstorm your blog topics ahead of time.

Topic clusters are a top tip when you want to start a mom blog for beginners. However, most beginners won't know how to utilize topic clusters, giving you an advantage.

Group topic clusters together so that you can interlink your blog posts. What does that mean? When you link your posts to each other to help better expand upon a topic, that helps your readers stay on your blog longer, which helps your blog be more desirable to your readers and search engines.

Topic clusters are different clusters of the same topic. For example, if you are writing about homeschooling your children, perhaps you write reviews about different homeschooling curriculum. That's one cluster.

Then maybe you have a series about organizing your homeschooling classroom. That would be another topic cluster. You could link those posts to each other so your readers can organically go through the topic while staying on your blog. Google loves that, and so do blog readers, don't you?

When you can learn a lot about a topic in one place without searching high and low all over the internet, it makes your readers happy, and just as important, it makes Google happy too! When Google is happy, they send people to your blog, and that makes you happy.

Utilize Pinterest

Pinterest is perfect for getting eyes onto your content. Of course, some niches do better on Pinterest than others, but everyone can take advantage of the free traffic from Pinterest by creating pins to go along with your content.

Set up a Pinterest Business Account, create your profile, and start pinning! The reason you need a Pinterest Business Account is so that you can view your analytics. For example, you can see who is pinning the content from your mommy blog and a whole host of other features with a business account.

Pinterest is perfect when you learn how to start a mom blog, especially for beginners, because it can bring you traffic while you are waiting to rank with Google.

Be Consistent

Do your best to remain consistent when you start a mom blog. Mom's will be counting on you for their information, entertainment, and whatever else that it is you provide them. So don't let them down!

Consistency pays off.

Slow and steady wins the race. As long as you can remain consistent for the long haul, you will gain traction, and you will have started a powerful mom blog that can make you money while you stay home with the kids.

Learn Everything You Can About Blogging

If you want to learn how to start a mom blog, the best thing you can do is learn everything you can.

There is so much to learn when you start a mommy blog, but you can learn a lot relatively quickly if you spend a little time each week.

If you are here reading this blog post about how to start a mom blog, then you are off to a great start!

Don't expect to learn everything you need to know about blogging overnight. It's a process. Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but you can definitely get rich from blogging when it's done the right way.

hands typing on laptop keyboard surrounded by mom blog business papers

Treat Your Blog Like A Business

From day one, treat your blog like a business. Your blog makes up one part of the big picture of online business. The sooner you treat your blog like a business, the sooner it will start making you money.

Set goals and create a business plan for your blog. I always say a goal without a plan is just a wish. Wishes are wonderful, but planning is divine.

Building a business and a blog takes time. Please don't get discouraged, and it takes some time to get everything up and ready for traffic to start heading your way. Keep at it with all the things mentioned above, and you will start a mom blog that stands the test of time.

woman sitting at laptop with money

A Few Ways Make Money With Your Blog

When you treat your blog like a business, look for multiple streams of income. The more different ways you can make money, the more chances you can make more money with your mommy blog.

With Your Mommy Blog, You Can:

  • Create a sponsored post or write sponsored content – that's when a company pays you to talk about their product
  • Utilize affiliate marketing – when you earn a commission to sell other businesses products
  • Run ads or apply to an ad network – you can sell ad space on your site or applying to one of an ad network like Mediavine (when you have enough blog traffic)
  • Sell your own products – such as printables, courses, digital art, or any other product that is a natural fit for your blog
  • Sell your services – coaching, therapy, or whatever else service you provide

Let's Recap:

  • Choose your blog niche
  • Then niche down
  • Choose your mommy blog name
  • Choose your hosting provider
  • Install WordPress with SiteGround's one-click installation for your hosted blog
  • Start an email list using ConvertKit
  • Start writing blog posts in topic clusters
  • Decide on a posting schedule
  • Create a content strategy
  • Utilize Pinterest
  • Be consistent
  • Learn everything you can about blogging
  • Treat your blog like a business from day one
  • Create multiple streams of income

So there you have it, How To Start A Mom Blog A Powerful Business in 2021. Are you ready to start your mom's blog? Let me know in the comments. I'd love to hear from you.

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How To Start An Instagram Mom Blog


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