
How To Create A Blog For A Child

Imagination. Creation. Reaction. And much more. Each one of them is vast and one can come up with a wide range of topics by digging each one meticulously. Those topics can be spun into interesting and intriguing narratives.

A blog could be your observation about something; your imagination, your creation or you can simply share your reaction about a topic. It all boils down to the ability to articulate your thoughts about the subject that interests you. In other words, blogging is about discovering your niche.

Blog, the quintessential tool to discuss, share, or comment on the topics closer to the heart, is the soft power of the technological world. Anyone with a flair to write and the ability to engage in wordplay can spin blogs like nobody's business.

A blogger with the ability to let their thoughts flow out freely in the form of words; make sense to the readers; and engage them till the end can nail it.

When we talk about observation and imagination power or honest reactions, who could do it better than the children because their minds are whiter than white.

In a nutshell, if your child has expressed a desire to write a blog of their own, encourage them and help them in setting up their blog website and become a successful child blogger.

how to become child blogger

Let's explore in detail.

Minimum Age Requirement for Blogging

Do you know that there is a minimum age requirement to start a blog? Yes, there is an age cap.

According to the terms of service on , their services are not directed to children who are under the age of 13 (or 16 in Europe). The same is the case with another popular blogging site Fret not. With parental guidance, children can start early.

The world of technology is process-oriented, so is blogging.

If you are wondering how to start a blog for your child or you are a child who wishes to become a blogger in 2021, follow these steps.


First and foremost you have to decide on the category. This is the most important part of starting a blog because it will answer any question. Therefore, it is suggested that you focus on something that interests the children because it will make it easier for them to pursue it for a longer period.

The top child bloggers specialize in:

  • Food
  • Education
  • Activities
  • Cartoons
  • Toys
  • Gadgets
  • Book reviews
  • Travel
  • Fashion
  • Board Game Reviews

Decide the Niche

Microblog niche is recommended over multiple niches to win a loyal audience. Carving a niche is important, as the readers can relate to your blog while looking for information about that subject or topic.

For instance, if you are a book reviewer, readers would know where to find authentic information about the latest publication.  Some of the child bloggers even team up with their parents to start a blog. ChildasticBooks, for instance, was started by mother-daughter duo Sam and Holly and they blogged away to glory by reviewing books.

To carve a niche, clarity is important. The best way to have clarity on an area of interest is by writing it down and fleshing it out. If you can answer the following questions, you are sorted.

  1. Why are you starting a blog?
  2. What will you write about?
  3. Why would people visit your blog?
  4. How will your readers gain from reading your blog?
  5. Who will be your target audience?

Decide a Blogging Platform

Next step is finding the right platform. There are free-to-use blogging sites and you can choose as per your convenience. Some popular ones are:

  • WordPress
  • Blogger
  • Wix
  • Weebly
  • Kidblog

Zero in on a Domain Name

Once you decide the platform, move on to the next step and find a domain name, which should be quirky and easy to remember. Children should be able to type your blog name easily because an easy-to-remember and easy-to-type URL will drive traffic to your website.

Select a Hosting Site

What is web hosting? A web host facilitates a website with space on a web server to store its files. Without web hosting your websites and their components code, images, etc. cannot be viewed online. There are millions of websites out there, and each of them is hosted on a server.

So, now you understand how important it is to choose a hosting for your blog!


After choosing a reliable web hosting for your blog, it is time to design your blog. Most blogging sites come with pre-designed themes and offer plenty of designs to choose from. You can select the template as per the subject. Once that is in place, you are good to go.

Pros & Cons of Blogging

It's important to understand the interests and passion of your child at an early stage. Those who are going to start their blog should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of blogging. Let's take a look at it.

Pros: Blogging is about writing on a particular subject or your area of interest. And writing has many benefits. Writing skills come with long-term benefits; it enhances children's analytical and comprehensive skills.

Writing also helps in organizing and articulating thought processes. For Warren Buffett, a successful investor, and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, writing is a key way of refining his thoughts. Quite true! Encourage your child to blog because it will help your child as an individual.

Cons:   Blogging has a lot of benefits, but it is a fact that internet exposure puts children to various risks. Countless threats are lurking online that can harm the impressionable minds.

Therefore, parents should caution their children about online threats by sensitizing them about the repercussions of sharing too much information, indulging in conversation with strangers, clicking random links, etc. without affecting their enthusiasm.

There are two sides to every story. Blogging is exciting, but it comes with risks. Therefore, combine independence to express freely with preventive vigilance to let your kids start on the right foot. So, what are you waiting for? It is time to hit the road.

To all the children out there, what are your thoughts on this? Are you planning to start your own blog in 2021? Please share your views in the comment section.

How To Create A Blog For A Child


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